8 research outputs found

    Effect of Division by Factors Approach on the Pupils’ Achievement in Division of Whole Numbers at Upper Primary School Level in Enugu State, Nigeria.

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    The study was conducted to ascertain the effect of division by factors approach on the pupils’ achievement in division of whole numbers. The sample for the study was 406 pupils which were randomly selected from the 52 primary schools in Nsukka central of Nsukka local government area in Enugu state. The instrument used for the study was division of whole numbers achievement test (DIWHONAT). The data obtained with the instrument were analyzed using mean and Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Mean was employed to answer the research questions posed, while ANCOVA statistic was used in testing the null hypotheses at the 0.05 level of significance. Findings of the study showed that the division of whole numbers achievement test was effective in enhancing pupils achievement in division of whole numbers. It was recommended, among others that mathematics teachers should use the division by factors approach in teaching division of whole numbers by another whole number. More so, teachers should use the division by factors approach in other mathematics topics or aspects such as division of decimal numbers.

    Effect of Game- Based Instructional Model on the Pupils Achievement in Arithmetic at Upper Primary Schools Level in Igbo – Etiti Local Government Area, Enugu State, Nigeria

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    The study investigated the effect of game-based instructional model approach on the pupil’s achievement in Arithmetic.  The research design used in this study was pre-test-post-test, control quasi experiment design. Sample random sampling technique was adopted in selecting 203 primary five pupils from 6 intact classes in six randomly selected primary schools in Igbo-Etiti local government area, Enugu State, Nigeria. A research instrument called Arithmetic   Achievement Test (AAT) developed and validated by the researcher was used in data collection. The study was guided by two research questions and two hypotheses. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the finding showed that there was a significance difference in achievement in Mathematics of pupils exposed to game-based instructional model approach and those exposed to conventional method. There was mean difference in mathematics achievement between male and female pupils. This mean difference was tested and found significant at p ? .05. Based on the findings, the game-based instructional model approach was recommended to the teachers, curriculum workers as well as examination bodies to popularize its effective integration into the mathematics classrooms. Keywords: Mathematics, game-based instruction, and Arithmeti

    Effect of Ethno-Mathematics Teaching Materials on Students’ Achievement in Mathematics in Enugu State

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    The study was conducted to ascertain the effect of ethno-mathematics teaching materials on students’ achievement in mathematics. The sample for the study was 156 Senior Secondary Schools two (SSS 2) students, which were randomly selected from 16 Senior Secondary Schools in Igbo-Etiti Local Government Area of Enugu State through multi-stage sampling technique. The instrument used for the study was ethno-mathematics achievement test (ETHNOMAT). The data obtained with the instrument were analyzed using mean and Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Mean was used to answer the research questions posed, while ANCOVA statistic was employed in testing the null hypothesis at 0.05 significant level. Findings of the study showed that the ethno-mathematic achievement test was effective in enhancing students’ achievement in mensuration with particular reference to volumes of cylinder and hemisphere. It was recommended among others that ethno-mathematics teaching materials should be incorporated in the Senior Secondary School mathematics curriculum as technique to be used by teachers in teaching the concepts of volumes of cylinders and hemispheres. More so, workshops/Seminars should be organized by professional bodies such as Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN), Mathematical Association of Nigeria (MAN), among other bodies, to popularize and sensitize mathematics teachers on the use of ethno-mathematics teaching materials as approach in teaching students the concepts of volumes of cylinders and hemispheres. Keywords: Ethno-Mathematics, Native Calabash Cups, Native Calabash Plates, Volume of Cylinder, and Volume of Hemispher

    Influence of Sex and Ability Level on Students’ Mathematics Readiness in Enugu State.

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    The study was investigated to ascertain the influence of sex and ability level on students’ Mathematics Readiness in Enugu State. The sample for the study was 203 students which were randomly selected from Nsukka and Obollo-Afor Education Zones in Enugu State. The instrument used for the study was mathematics readiness test (MATHRET) developed and validated by Unodiaku (2012) and revalidated by the researcher in Enugu Education Zone different from the main area of the study. The data obtained with the instrument were analyzed using mean and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Mean was employed to answer the research questions posed, while ANOVA was used in testing the formulated null hypotheses at 0.05 significant level. Finding of the study revealed that in general boys are ready more than girls in this test. Moreso, results indicated that the mean difference found between boys and girls was found significant (P<0.05) across the three ability level (high, average and low). It was generally found that sex and ability level are factors that influence mathematics readiness of students. It was recommended, among others that teachers should establish differential norms for both boys and girls in each of the ability level. Keywords: Mathematics Readiness, Ability level, Achievement.

    Effectiveness of Origami-based Instructional Model Approach (Obima) on Secondary School Students’ Academic Performance and Interest in Mensuration, Enugu State, Nigeria

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    The study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of origami-based instructional model approach (OBIMA) on secondary school students’ academic performance and interest in mensuration. The population of the study consisted of 2105 SSS III students in 15 government owned secondary schools in Igbo-Etiti local government area of Enugu State, Nigeria. The study was guided by five research questions and five null hypotheses. The hypotheses were tested at P £ .05 level of significance. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to randomly sample 153 students used for the study. Two instruments were developed by the researcher and used for gathering data. One was Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) instrument containing 15 essay items and the other was Mathematics Interest Inventory Questionnaire (MIIQ) which contains 9 items. The instruments were face validated by experts and their reliability estimates were determined using split-half method which yielded 0.80 and 0.88 for MAT and MIIQ respectively. The data collected with the instruments were analyzed using mean and standard deviation (S.D) to answer the research questions while independents t-test statistic was used in testing the hypotheses (P £ .05). Findings of the study revealed that origami-based instructional model approach is effective in teaching mathematics, especially in sketching roots of mensuration theories. Gender was found not to be a significant factor of variance in mathematics performance, particularly when origami is used in mathematics instruction, among other issues found in the study. It was recommended to teachers to adapt and adopt origami-based instructional model approach in mathematics instruction since the study has shown that the use of origami in mathematics instruction effectively enhances students’ interest in mathematics learning

    Efficacy of Constructivist’s Teaching Method in Proving Mensuration Theorem: Implications for Nigeria Senior Secondary School Students

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    The study was conducted to determine the efficacy of the constructivist’s teaching method (CTM) on teaching proof of mensuration theorem: a panacea for senior secondary school students’ interest and achievement. The population of the subjects was 3095 SSS II students composed of students in secondary schools in the Agbani Education zone of Enugu State. Four research questions and four null hypotheses guided the study. Multi-stage sampling technique was used for the study, based on which 197 students composed of 95 males and 102 females were randomly sampled. Data was collected using Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) and Mathematics Interest Inventory Test (MIIT). The Cronbach alpha statistic and test-retest methods were used in determining the reliability estimates of the MAT and MIIT respectively which yielded 0.89 and 0.91 respectively. The data obtained with the instruments were analyzed with descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) in answering the research questions. The findings of the study clearly showed that CTM is effective in enhancing students’ achievement and interest in mathematics learning, especially in proving mensuration theorems. Those exposed to the treatment performed significantly higher than those exposed to the expository method after the treatment. Moreso, those in the experimental group showed a significant difference in mean interest rating in Mathematics than those in the control group after the treatment (post-test). These recorded significant mean differences in achievement and interest of the students after they were exposed to the treatment showing that CTM is responsible for such enhanced increase in performance of the students and their interest. The observed no significant mean difference in performance and interest between male and female subjects shows that CTM is capable of bridging the existing gap in performance and interest in mathematics between males and females

    Effect of Mathematics Practical Work Instructional Approach on Mathematics Performance and Retention of Secondary School Students

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    This study determined if the practical work instructional approach (PWIA) affects senior secondary school students’ academic performance and retention of mathematics. The population of the study was 2709 SSS III students in the public secondary schools in the Nsukka zone of Enugu State, Nigeria. The study was guided by three research questions and three hypotheses. The hypotheses were tested at p£ .05 level of significance. A multi-stage sampling technique was adopted, through which 133 subjects were randomly sampled and used for the study. Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) instrument containing essay items and developed by the researcher was used for gathering data. The MAT was subjected to experts in Mathematics Education and Measurement and Evaluation areas for face validation and its reliability estimate was determined using the Spearman-Brown proficiency formula which yielded 0.85. The MAT was used for data collection. Data collected with the MAT were analyzed using mean and standard deviations (S.D) to answer the research questions while ANCOVA statistic was used to analyze the hypotheses (p£ .05). Results of the study revealed that the practical work instructional approach is effective in teaching and learning Mathematics. Gender was found not to be a significant factor of variance in mathematics performance when PWIA is used in mathematics instruction, among other issues found in the work. It was recommended to teachers to infuse PWIA in mathematics instruction for enhanced science/technology and entrepreneurship development and sustainability in Nigeria, among other issues

    Number Manipulation Strategy: A Model of Experiential Instruction and Interest in Arithmetic Learning of Pupils of Lower Basic Level in Enugu State, Nigeria

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    The study investigated the efficacy of the number manipulation strategy (NUMAS) as a model of experiential instruction and interest in arithmetic learning for pupils of lower basic levels. The population of the study consisted of 1205 lower basic III level pupils of the 2018/2019 session in Igbo-Etiti Local Government Area (L.G.A.) of Enugu State. A sample of 121 primary five pupils from 4 schools out of 53 primary schools in the study area was randomly sampled. The 121 pupils were composed of 42 males and 79 females used for the study. The study was guided by four research questions and four hypotheses. The hypotheses were tested at a p<.05 level of significance. The instruments used for the study were Arithmetic Test (ART) and Mathematics Interest Inventory Questionnaire (MIIQ) developed by the researcher. The ART and MIIQ instruments were faces validated by experts and their reliability indexes were 0.85 and 0.79 respectively, established using Cronbach alpha and split-half methods respectively. The data obtained with the instruments were analyzed using mean, standard deviations (SD), t-test and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) statistics. Mean and SD was used in answering the research questions, while t-test and ANCOVA statistics were used in testing the hypotheses at P<.05 level of significance. The findings of the study showed that NUMAS is effective in teaching arithmetic, especially in enhancing the addition and subtraction skills acquisition of the pupils. Gender was found not to be a significant factor of variance in arithmetic achievement when the teaching of arithmetic is NUMAS based. The use of NUMAS was recommended to teachers, lower basic mathematics textbook authors and stakeholders in education, to ensure that NUMAS is adopted and adapted for use in Mathematics classroom instruction and learning